Ellen is a first year PhD student based in the School of Medicine and is funded by Economic and Social Research Council. Their work focuses on transgender health and wellbeing and hopes to improve the support available for this community and their supporters. They completed their undergraduate degree in Psychology at Loughborough University in 2016. For Link19 they are excited to be part of the committee to help provide conference experience and encourage inter-disciplinary research for all researchers.
Ipek has completed her undergraduate education in Mathematics Education at the Middle East Technical University. She has an MSc degree in Elementary Science and Mathematics Education from the same university. She also has an MA degree in Learning, Technology and Education from the University of Nottingham. She currently is a final-year PhD student at the University of Nottingham. Her PhD research mainly focuses on designing lessons to improve middle school students’ learning of three-dimensional shapes. She is aiming to improve this specific part of the Turkish mathematics curriculum based on how this was taught in the English mathematics curriculum. She was on the LINK 2017 and LINK 2018 Committee and is looking forward to being a part of the conference again this year.
Shakirudeen Lasisi is a 3rd year PhD student with a strong passion for electronics and Information technology. His work is highly interdisciplinary spanning fields of Engineering, Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics. Shakirudeen’s research focuses on the computational electromagnetic modelling of radiation from cutting-edge high frequency solid-state sources. He believes this would help provide better understanding of the coupling of such devices with their environment. Shakirudeen also works as a software engineer with Electrical Cooling Solutions under the university’s PPN scheme, and sometimes volunteers with the British Science Association Nottinghamshire Branch. In his free time, he enjoys watching Japanese animation, and hopes to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N3 in July. Shakirudeen is a member of the George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research – GGIEMR
Ziyang is an MSc Business and Management at the University of Nottingham. She is studying hard and outgoing. As one of the Course Representatives, she actively collects opinions from classmates and organizes activities. She leaned International Business and Trade and has ever published two papers during undergraduate education. The first one, she worked on “Investigate Hebei” project, a College Students social practical project in Hebei Province in China, in which she acted as the project leader and her tasks involved data preparation and analysis. In another paper, for which she also was the first author, the loafing behaviors of the students who were late to the classes were examined from an economic perspective in terms of their income and living or working costs, published in the national journal Education in 2015. She wants to get the opportunity to improve your experience by being part of the Link19 conference.